Designing and developing meaningful learning experiences for students at the college and university level.
Currently underway - THE MT 988 PROJECT
This project is a three-week instructional project for students studying art and design at the university level. The project consists of three components: a) social art/design introduction, b) social issue research and discussion, and c) a student project.
The first module is an instructor lead social art/design learning component that looks at the relationship between art/design and the expression of society-based ideals. Students will look at historical and contemporary visuals and explore when, how, and why artists and designers express social ideals in their work.
The second module gives students a chance to learn and understand a social issue that affects Montanans at an alarming rate, suicide. There is an overview learning module followed by an in-class discussion facilitated by suicide awareness and prevention local and national experts.
The third module is an instructor-driven, student project that utilizes their understanding and talents to communicate a message to other Montana students.